bai hao yin zhen

What is White Tea?

White tea is defined by a unique processing technique that has only about 220 years of undisputed history. Traditionally, freshly picked leaves and buds are wilted under shade to lose moisture; then, they are exposed to the sun for fermentation and drying. The tea makers are mindful about adjusting the leaves to catch the sun at the right angle while allowing wind to blow under the leaves to cool them down. The loose-leaf teas are then finished by baking to dry with charcoal ash on bamboo trays, though if the sun is strong enough, the tea is dried by the sun. 

Learn more about White tea with our Tea Fundamentals.

About Our Wild Bai Hao Yin Zhen

Origin: Dian Tou, Fu Ding, Fu Jian Province, China (~700-1000m elevation)

Bai Hao Yin Zhen means white hair silver needle and describes the appearance of the dry tea buds. It is often called Silver Needle tea in the West. White tea can mean the category of tea, or it can mean a tea that is lightly colored. Like all historically famous teas, this designation refers to the highest picking grade of white tea, coupled with being produced from specified locations. The varietal of this tea is the Wild Hua Cha Er Hao (Wild China Tea No. 2).

first flush tea
Desired First Flush

These leaves were the first flush of the season, which is the most sought-after harvest. The freshly picked tea buds are sun-dried following traditional methods which require careful observation of the sun and the wind for 72 hours.

bai hao yin zhen
The Difference Between Vintage

With this side-by-side comparison tasting you'll be able to learn and understand the differences between two vintages - 2021 and 2022.

white tea farming
Share Our Passion

If you love this guided tasting, join us monthly with our Educational Tea Club! We deep dive into two teas a month over Zoom. You'll be able to participate live and ask question and taste the tea together with our community.

What You'll Need

To get the most out of this session, we advise having a gong fu brewing set up ready to brew along with. A Gai Wan, Fairness Pitcher, Strainer, and Three Sip Cup is recommended.

You can purchase a full gong fu brewing kit here.

gong fu brewing